Important:The pricing shown is for v4.00 and greater systems only. Pricing for prior versions is higher because CUMC (Base Multi-Currency Module) features are included in GLMC before 4.00. Therefore, the cost of prior versions of GLMC is the price shown above plus the price of CUMC (part of the price of GLMC was split out to CUMC starting with 4.00).
GLMC Multi-Currency for Sage 100 ERP (MAS 90, MAS 200) is invaluable for any international or multinational company. Reports, including standard and custom financial statements, can be printed in any currency, and at any override rate. Also if FASB52 is needed, they can be printed to FASB 52 requirements. The import and export of account balances and detail transactions can be done in any currency, with exchange rate conversions performed automatically.
DSD Sage 100 ERP Multi-Currency Brochure - DOWNLOAD HERE
Generate Financials in Any Currency: Financial Reports can be printed in any Currency.
Print Reports in Any Currency: Print any report in Base, FASB52 or Other Currency using As Posted or an Override Rate.
Generate Multi-Company Consolidated Financial Reports: You may generate a Custom Financial Report consolidating data from more than one company.
Multi-Currency Accounts Receivable for Sage 100 ERP is invaluable for any company that performs Invoice or Cash Receipts Entry involving international or foreign Customers.
The Multi-Currency Inventory Management for Sage 100 enhancement provides users with the ability to set up a different price and cost for each item per Currency.