BRTH - BRTH B/R Transaction History
Bank Reconciliation
Current Version
Version 6.20
Last Modified: Mar 02, 2021
Required Modules: B/R
Compatible with Sage Service Update: 2020 (6.20) PU0, PU1, PU2, PU3, PU4, PU5, PU6
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The B/R Transaction History enhancement allows Bank Reconciliation transactions, such as Checks, Adjustments, and Deposits, to be stored in a History File during the Purge process.
Standard Sage 100 allows for purging of Bank Reconciliation transactions after the Bank Reconciliation Report is printed. Once this purge occurs, those transactions are no longer retained. With this enhancement, the purging process moves the transactions to a history file for future access.
A new B/R Transaction History Inquiry has been added to the B/R Main Menu. This Inquiry panel displays all transactions that are moved to history. The fields displayed on this History Inquiry Panel are identical to the fields displayed in Check, Deposit and Adjustment Entry, along with two new fields: Purge Date add Purge User (the user that ran the purge process).
- The user has the ability to “Restore” from history back into the Checks, Adjustments, and Deposit file. This allows the user to re-reconcile if a mistake was made.
- A Bank Reconciliation History Report is available to print from the new B/R Transaction History file.
- A Bank Reconciliation By Date Report is available, that allows the user to print a Bank Reconciliation Report based on a historical date.
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