ARCI - ARCI Customer Inquiry by Company
Accounts Receivable
Current Version
Version 7.10
Last Modified: Sep 17, 2023
Required Modules: A/R
Compatible with Sage Service Update: 2022 (7.10) PU0, PU1, PU2, PU3, PU4, PU5
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Call (858) 550-5900
New ‘Invoices by Company’ and ‘Orders by Company’ buttons have been added to the Customer Maintenance/Inquiry Invoices and SO’s Panels to the right of the ‘Invoices’ and ‘Orders’ grids in their respective Panels. When this button is selected, a new panel will pop up displaying the same information, but for all company codes. The list box information will be sorted first by Company Code, then by Invoice / Sales Order. Aging and Totals information will be displayed but there will be no drill-down capabilities. Any company with the word “TEST” in the company name will be excluded.
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