Job Cost, Time Card and Billing Enhancements

Sage 100 Job Cost Enhancement JCJP
J/C Job Purge by Date (JCJP)

With JCJP, the Purge Closed Jobs option of the Period End window prompts for a Purge Through Date. Jobs with a Job Status equal to Closed and where the Status Date is equal to or earlier than the Purge Through Date will be removed from the system.

J/C Inventory Price Transfer (JC-1000)

Allows each job that has inventory items issued to it to have its own pricing methodology by having the items priced using Retail, Standard, Sales Order or the normal Job Cost Price.

 J/C Vendor Name on J/C Transaction Report (JC-1005)

Substitutes the Vendor Name for the Vendor Number/Invoice Number on the Job Cost Transaction Detail Report for postings originating from the Accounts Payable module and for postings whose Cost Type is ‘Subcontract.’

J/C Revenue Posting by Cost Code/Cost Type (JC-1007)

Allows revenue to be posted and tracked according to the Cost Code and Cost Type which generated the revenue.

J/C Full Item Descriptions (JC-1009)

Allows the full description of inventory items to print on the Billing Selection Register, Job Transaction Detail Report and Job Invoices.

J/C Enhanced Burden and Overhead Allocation Posting (JC-1012)

With this enhancementExtended Solution, burden and overhead can be posted to the accounts at the rate specified for a particular cost code/cost type and overhead can further be posted according to a ‘Schedule.’ When posting by schedule, many options have been added: selective posting by job, support for two types of overhead with different rates, etc.

J/C Date Sensitive Job Cost Reports (JC-1019)

The Job Cost Detail Report, Job Analysis Report, Job Transaction Detail Report, and Custom Job Cost Detail Report have been enhanced to have date sensitivity.

J/C Enhanced Change Order (JC-1022)

Enhances Change Order entry in Job Maintenance to support allocation of the change order to multiple Cost Code/Cost Type combinations. 

J/C Job Analysis Report with Cost Type Total (JC-1034)

Adds new Report Totals at the end of the Job Analysis by Cost Type report, printing a total line for each Cost Type found, and a Cost total line.  When sorting by manager, cost subtotals by manager will be printed. 

J/C Job Cost Reports With Commitments (JC-1035)

Job Cost Code Detail Report and Job Cost Transaction Detail Report will include a new option to print Purchase Order Commitments. These ‘commitments’ are calculated as the dollar amounts for all Purchase Order Line Items that reference a Job, and are summarized by Job Number, Cost Code and Cost Type. 

J/C Cost of Sale Post by Cost Code (JC-1038)

Allows for specification of a Cost-Of-Sales account number by Cost Code.

J/C Batch Processing Of Job Billing Entry (JC-1083)

Provides batch entry and update of Job Billing Entries.

J/C Bill Rate Specified By Job/Employee/Cost Code (JC-1095)

Adds the ability to maintain a new Bill Rate in Employee Bill Rate Maintenance and Job Masterfile Maintenance by Job Number/ Employee Number/Cost Code.  This Bill Rate is used in calculations for Billing Selection and Billing Data Entry upon line creation.

J/C Enhanced Job Copy Function (JC-1130)

Allows Cost Code and Cost Type information to be copied when creating a new job by copying an existing job within Job Masterfile Maintenance.

J/C WIP Account by Cost Code (JC-1138)

Adds the ability to enter a WIP G/L Account to Cost Code Maintenance.

J/C Job DTR Update Allowed with Billing in Progress (JC-1146)

Allows the Job Daily Transaction Register to be updated from all modules while Job Billing is in process as long as any of the jobs currently being billed are not referenced on the Job DTR selected for update.

J/C Customer Equipment Numbers for Jobs (JC-1151)

Maintains a listing of Serial Numbers that are associated with each Customer. A serial number is then assigned to a job. The job transaction detail report can be selected by a range of serial numbers.

J/C Job Pay Rate Type (JC-1157)

Designate a new Pay Rate Type for Labor Postings made to the Job Cost Transaction Detail File by the Daily Job Transaction Register and the JC Job Posting Register. There are three Pay Rate Types: Standard, Overtime and Double Time.

J/C Cost and Price Summary Reports by Cost Code (JC-1158)

Adds a summary report to the Job Cost module which can be run with costing information for internal use or with calculated pricing information for presentation to the customer. Pricing is calculated by applying a run time markup percentage to the costs. The report reflects data from the Job Transaction Detail file as well as the Open Purchase Order file.

J/C Job Transaction Information Report (JC-1159)

Adds a new report Job Transaction Information Report which mirrors the Job Transaction Detail Report but suppresses either the unit cost and number of units, or the unit cost and extension information for transactions with Cost Type Labor.

J/C Revenue Posting by Job Type and Cost Type (JC-1163)

Creates G/L Daily Posting records for job billing revenue transactions by Job Type/Cost Type when using work in process.   The Job Billing Register has been modified to validate the revenue accounts, and Job Billing Register Update has been modified to post Revenue and Deferred Revenue to G/L.

T/C Piecework for Payroll and TimeCard (TC-1010)

Adds the ability to have an employee’s wages calculated ‘by the piece’ while still continuing to track hours worked via two different calculation methods.

T/C User Defined Fields For TimeCard (TC-1011)

Create up to 30 User Defined Fields (UDFs) for TimeCard data entries. 

T/C TimeCard Data Import From ASCII (TC-1012)

A utility designed to import data from a standard ASCII file, an SDF ‘Intranet’ type file, an ‘ERS’ Multi Record System type file, and a Candid Color Fixed File Format directly into the TimeCard data entry files.

T/C Average Rate Calculation Utility (TC-1030)

Adds a new utility to the TimeCard Utilities that will recalculate the Pay Rate and Amount for all entries within a range.

T/C Enhanced TimeCard Options (TC-1033)

Adds the following features:  Enter Punch times in TimeCard Data Entry in a decimal format,  Edit Lunch Punch times during TimeCard Data Entry, Print Punch Times to the Attendance Worksheet, Print the new Department of Labor (DOL) Report or Missing Entries Report.

T/C TimeCard Integration with Union Payroll (TC-1036)

Provides TimeCard integration with PR-1098 Union Payroll.

T/C Rapid Entry for TimeCard Data Entry (TC-1041)

Allows you to auto-default the Employee Number, Date, and Sequence Number in TimeCard Entry and Edit as well as bypass the Additional tab to allow for more rapid entry.

T/C Equipment Postings Created From TimeCard Update (TC-1042)

During Job Cost Distribution Register Update, create a J/C Direct Cost Posting Entry for each TimeCard entry being posted if Equipment has been activated in Cost Code Maintenance and if a unit of measure has been selected.

T/C TimeClock Splash Screen (TC-1043)

Adds a new splash screen that will appear after each punch in or out. The screen details which employee punched in/out of what company at what time, plus a user-defined message.

T/C Weighted Average Overtime Calculation for TimeCard (TC-1046)

Creates weighted average overtime entries in Payroll for each employee as their data is imported from TimeCard.

T/C Allowable Number of Days Between TC Entries (TC-1047)

Allows you to specify a Maximum Number of Days since Last Worked during TimeCard Entry/Edit.

T/C Duplicate Entry Prevention (TC-1049)

Prevents duplicate timecard records in TimeCard Entry and TimeCard Entry and Edit.

T/C TimeCard Entry for Subcontractors (TC-1050)

Change the P/R Posting Status to ‘P’ for TimeCard records for employees of a specified payroll department when the J/C Distribution Register is updated.

T/B Cash Basis (TBCB)

Transforms the standard Time and Billing programs into a cash basis system.

T/B Time and Billing Interface with TimeCard and Payroll (TB-1000)

Interface between Time and Billing and Payroll via the TimeCard module.

T/B Bill Rate by Client/Employee/Work Code (TB-1022)

Adds the ability to set up specific billing and pay rates based upon any combination of Client, Engagement, Employee and Work Code.

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