2022 Latest Enhancements

BRBF - Bank Feed
Task Scheduler

This DSD Enhancement to the Library Master module Task Scheduler allows for “Other” task types to schedule Bank Feeds. The task will perform transaction downloads for all Bank Codes that contain a valid Bank Cloud Account ID.

IMEA - Expanded Alias
Item Number

This DSD Enhancement expands the standard Alias Item field to 100 characters, rather than 30 characters.

POEP - Enhanced Purchase Order History Purge

This DSD Enhancement to the Purchase Order module adds a new task to the Purchase Order Utilities menu. This Utility adds greater flexibility for purging Purchase Order History.

ARBE - Paperless Delivery Use Bill-To Customer Email Address

Paperless Office Delivery Options in Customer Maintenance has been enhanced to include a new option “Use Bill To Customer Email Address”. This option is only enable if the “Enable Bill To Customer Reporting” feature has been enabled in A/R Setup Options. The Bill-To Customer’s email address will be used for all associated Sold To Customer invoices.

POXP - Expanded Purchase Order Number

The Purchase Order Number fields in the following modules have been expanded to 15 characters. All Data Dictionaries, Entry Panels, Lookups, and Reports have been modified accordingly.

· Accounts Payable
· Accounts Receivable
· Bar Code
· Inventory Management
· Purchase Order
· Return Merchandise Authorization
· Sales Order

SODR - S/O Deferred
Revenue Posting

This DSD enhancement allows future Revenue and Deferred Postings to the General Ledger to occur during the S/O Invoice Update. S/O Invoice Data Entry has been enhanced to have four new fields: Number of Months and Start Date on both the Invoice Header and Invoice Detail files. When these field values are entered by the user, future postings will occur on the same day each month, for the number of months specified, for Regular or Miscellaneous Line Items on the invoice that have Deferred Revenue Accounts setup.

PRLD - Payroll
Labor Distribution

This DSD enhancement to the Payroll module allows you to post wage expense by Labor Code using segment substitution.

LMMT - Multi-Company
Task Scheduler

This DSD Enhancement to the Library Master / Task Scheduler allows for “Journal/Register” task types to be scheduled for All Companies.

PLEE - Paperless Office Enhanced Electronic Delivery

This DSD Enhancement enhances the electronic delivery message maintenance to allow the addition of merge fields not available in Standard Sage 100.

Revision Selection

In Sales Order Entry, when entering a Bill of Materials Kit, the revision field will be enabled. A new lookup on the Revision field has also been added to display a Revision list associated with the Bill.

TCRE - TimeTrack Punch In/Out Entry Rapid Entry

This DSD Extended Solution adds Rapid Entry option to the Time Track setup options. Punch In/Out entry is modified to auto accept upon the expiration of the time delay specified in the setup options.

LMAD - Advanced
Data Editor

This utility will facilitate data record editing by making available for modifications all data column elements for any Business Framework table in a user friendly, grid entry format.

POEK - Purchase Order
Kit Explosion

Purchase order entry has been enhanced to allow for kit explosion. Additional features such as kit line retention and redistributing kit item cost to components have been added to this enhancement. Redistributing kit item cost to components will use a weighted average percentage.

Liability Account by Invoice

Accounts Payable Invoice Data Entry has been modified to allow the assignment of a liability account by invoice. Manual check and check register update have been modified to use the new account during update. If no liability account is present the Accounts Payable Account specified in Division Maintenance will be used.

ARBS - Accounts Receivable Billion Dollar Support

All Data Entry, Maintenance, Journal, and Report tasks are impacted by the installation.

The font sizes used on some reports have been reduced to accommodate the expanded numeric field sizes.

Deferred Expense Postings

Adds the ability in A/P invoice data entry to enable deferred expense posting. A new button is added to the A/P invoice data entry screen for setting of the deferred expense posting by invoice.

APBS - Accounts Payable Billion Dollar Support

All Data Entry, Maintenance, Journal, and Report tasks are impacted by the installation.

The font sizes used on some reports have been reduced to accommodate the expanded numeric field sizes.

Paperless Delivery From User

The Paperless Office Electronic Form Delivery process is modified to assign the “From” Email Address as defined in User Maintenance for the Sage user performing the printing task.

2022 New
Enhancements Brochure

2021 Released Enhancements

Bank Reconciliation Transaction History (BRTH)

This enhancement adds a new inquiry screen for bank reconciliation transactions, such as checks, adjustments and deposits to be stored in a history file after the purge process.

Auto-Generate Check Payment (APGC)

From the vendor maintenance invoice tab you can now generate check payment entries for single or multiple invoices with this enhancement installed.

Payroll InstaDocs

Allows electronic documents to be stored, viewed and accessed within employee maintenance. P/R Checks can be automatically stored in PDF format within the appropriate Employee directory.

Cash Receipts History Inquiry (ARCH)

This enhancement adds a new inquiry screen to display deposit information with associated checks, credit cards, and paid invoices.

Payroll Criterion Link

Employee demographic and address information will be updated from Criterion into Sage 100.

Payroll Check History

This enhancement adds a new check history inquiry that displays header and line details for each employee check.

Auto-Generate Cash Receipts (ARGR)

From the customer maintenance invoice tab you can now generate cash receipt entries for single or multiple invoices with this enhancement installed.

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