QuickBooks Upgraders Driving the Accounting Software Market

QuickBooks offers some amazing solutions for very small businesses. When you move past the business formation stage, though, and you’re ready for a more flexible, agile solution, often companies have to look past QuickBooks to a more functional software option. In fact, it’s this group of users who are driving…

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The Benefits of Going Paperless

One of the most exciting parts of selecting the right HR/ Human Resources software to meet the needs of your company is the potential to create a paperless office. Instead of the endless supply of paper, you’d be able to go to primarily digital documentation, which means a number of…

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Benefits of Automation in HR

Human resource management or human capital management is a domain which involves crucial business processes such as annual leave management, timesheet tracking, performance appraisal, and staffing new members each of which is paramount for the successful operation of a business. Automating HR processes with a smart Human Resource Management (HRMS,…

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Is Inefficiency Killing Your Company?

An IDC study suggested companies lose 20 to 30% of their revenue thanks to inefficiencies within their company every single year. Are you part of that statistic? Imagine being able to regain even a fraction of that lost revenue simply by increasing your company’s efficiency. It’s a tantalizing dream, but…

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Why Does ERP Software Increase Productivity?

Take a look at almost any business blog today, and eventually, you’ll come across a post about ERP software and how it can help to increase your company’s productivity. If you know anything about an ERP system, you likely know that it’s designed to help collect and organize the data…

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Technophobes? Learn How to Help them Adapt

Resistance to change. It’s a characteristic that makes most managers run in fear from some employees. Often the employees in question have experience and insight no one else on the team does, but because they won’t adopt new technology, they can damage the team and the entire company. It’s especially…

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Three Hidden Benefits of ERP Software

ERP software solutions are often discussed as the ideal option for many of today’s companies, but if you’re not sure about the benefits, you may be a bit leery of an investment in this area. While most of the literature surrounding ERP software offers a small taste of the bonuses…

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