How To Improve Your Exemption Management Process For Your Customers

How to improve your exemption management process for your customers

Join us for an Avalara exemption certificate management webinar!


WHEN: November 10, 2020

TIME: 1p PT/4p ET

Exemption certificate management is an often-overlooked part of doing business. Manufacturers, wholesalers and distributors have mainly tax-exempt customers, and during audits, exemption certificates are the primary focus. Not having a process or ignoring dealing with these documents could be costly, time consuming, and especially frustrating for your customers.

Join Avalara, DSD’s trusted tax compliance automation partner, to learn how to get this risk off your plate.

You’ll learn:

  • Latest sales tax legislation that has impacted manufacturers, wholesalers, and distributors
  • How managing your exempt sales poorly can lead to rocky customer experience
  • How other manufacturers, wholesalers, and distributors are tackling this problem
  • Best practices for automating your exempt selling process

What are you waiting for?

WHAT IS Avalara?

Avalara Sales Tax Automation Software

Staying up to date with constantly changing tax laws can be difficult to say the least, gain some insight and direction with Avalara regarding any and all taxes

avalara makes taxes less taxing


Delivers sales and use tax calculations within your existing business applications at the time of checkout or billing — in real time.


Prepares and files your sales and use tax returns with a higher degree of accuracy than doing it yourself – and in a fraction of the time.


Automate your exemption process to collect, validate, store, manage, and renew compliance documents in the cloud — securely and at scale.

Sales Tax

Every state has a different application and process for sales tax registration — fill out our form once and the preparation and everything else is handled!

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