How to Expand Your Technology ROI With a Skillfully-Constructed Cloud ERP

Acumatica’s new Whitepaper illustrates the usability benefits of choosing a well-designed cloud ERP solution and how it maximizes your technology ROI.

According to the Whitepaper, well-designed cloud ERP software allows users to:

  • Optimize needed information, including a Favorites Page, customizable Dashboards and Data Displays, and Look Ahead Typing
  • Access powerful tools allowing them to break down details, utilizing Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (MI) to do a Global Search, fast data access through Generic Inquiries, and Microsoft Power BI compatibility for modern business intelligence
  • Automate their data supply through notifications and alerts, monitor processes, change workflows, and add data fields
  • Capitalize on mobile technology features, such as automatic re-sizing for smaller screens as well as being tailored to IOS and Android operating systems, and more

Choose the best devices
for your business

Optimize how the information you need is

Use powerful tools to find
what you need

Automate Acumatica to
supply your data

Customer Success Story

Corey Wynn, Information Technology Manager at Kelly Products, Inc. has seen these benefits with Acumatica in action. “Acumatica is not a complicated system to maneuver around in and the modules have the same look and feel, which makes it easier to train employees and find things. The help feature is tremendous. You just click on something and get information about it right from that particular screen. That alone speaks volumes to ease-of-use of the application.”

Kelly Products, Inc. is the parent company of 13 individual businesses and branches in the agriculture and farming industry. Previously, Kelly Products was disconnected and inefficient with limited software licenses, manual intercompany accounting processes, reporting delays, and had no single version of the truth.

After implementing Acumatica Financial Management and Acumatica Manufacturing Edition, Kelly Products’ businesses were digitally transformed and experienced quantifiable benefits in the process.

“One of the key benefits is being able to link companies. We can pull something one time and updating it one-time updates it for all the companies rather than having one person entering it into many systems one at a time,” Corey says.

Acumatica’s user-friendly experience made it easy for Kelly Products, Inc. to succeed and delivered a high technology ROI.


Learn more about Acumatica’s usability

By downloading Acumatica’s free Whitepaper, It’s All About Design, you’ll learn:

  • How choosing a true cloud ERP solution opens the door to using any device you want and/or need
  • Why ERP usability should count as much as ERP functionality (and why your team will thank you)
  • The benefits of Acumatica, a true cloud ERP solution
Acumatica Cloud ERP
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