DCC 2019 Session Spotlight: Sage Inventory Advisor for Sage 100cloud Presented by NETSTOCK

DSD Client Conference Countdown

thursday, october 10th 2019 – southbury, ct


The 2019 DSD Client conference has been carefully designed to support our client’s changing needs, offer key insights into opportunities for business growth and provide training that will help drive improved business practice and performance throughout the entire organization.

The conference agenda is packed with valuable content that you won’t want to miss so over over the next several weeks, we’ll be highlighting the incredible sponsors and their exciting sessions to make sure you plan accordingly for the big day! 


Netstock Presents:
Sage Inventory Advisor
for Sage 100cloud
Thursday, October 10th / 11:30 - 12pm
Sage Inventory Advisor for Sage 100cloud

Sage Inventory Advisor is a secure, cloud-based subscription service that helps Sage 100 clients reduce stock-outs, excess inventory, and working capital while being affordable, quickly implemented and directly connected to your Sage 100 – giving you an immediate and clear view into your warehouse. 

Imagine how much more efficiently you could manage your inventory if you could continuously monitor levels and set alerts that let you know when you need to take action. You’ll quickly identify the most important problem areas in your inventory levels, and you’ll learn how to create dynamic item forecasts that’ll give you insights into your business that a spreadsheet never will. In fact, Sage Inventory Advisor will help you create perfect purchase orders in minutes. 

Sage Inventory Advisor takes as little as 30 minutes to implement, costs as little as $199 per month and is accessible on any mobile device. If you have inventory, you need attend this session to see if this surprisingly inexpensive add-on module is a fit for your business to help you take back control of your inventory.

Netstock Sage Inventory Advisor Procurement Software


NETSTOCK is a Software as a Service company that lives in the cloud, and connects with your ERP system. It provides insights into your Excess Inventory, Surplus Purchase Orders, Fill Rate, Stock outs and Potential Stock outs managing demand forecasting for all your items, And recommends ideal Purchase orders that will always drive your investment in inventory down, while increasing your service level to your customers.
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Can't make it to DCC 2019 but want more info about Netstock?
Distribution DSD Business Systems Inventory Sage 100 ERP Sage 100cloud Sage 300 ERP Sage 300cloud Sage Software

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We’re so excited to show you the power of Acumatica!

Should you have any immediate questions or needs, please feel free to reach out to your event host: ktucker@dsdinc.com