Automate Sage 100 Processes from Accounting and Finance to HR and IT [Recorded Webinar]

Automate Sage 100 processes from 
accounting, finance, HR & IT

The best way to drive efficiency in any department starts with document automation – with the capture and routing of documents, automated workflow, tracking, delivery, and accessibility of your key documents in real time. Doc-link software is an integrated document management system (IDMS) that is interfaced with your business system to effectively eliminate paper from your office.

Doc-link enables you to:

  • Archive, process through workflow, retrieve and research document transactions from the desktop.
  • Increase company productivity while enhancing communication to customers, vendors and employees.
  • Connect you with remote locations and business partners by automating the exchange and processing of data
  • Reduce data input while automating the processing of incoming documents.

Watch and learn how to:
-Improve productivity in any department.
-Access data anywhere, on any device.
-Achieve significant cost savings.
-Success achieved by DocLink customers.
-Spend less time managing your data.

Make sure you fully understand the ways you can use a document management solution like DocLink to automate and streamline any document-intensive processes whether you’re in Accounting, Finance, HR, IT or any other department throughout your company.

Want to learn more about doc-link?

Accounting DSD Business Systems ERP Human Resources Sage 100 ERP

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