QuickBooks Upgraders Driving the Accounting Software Market

QuickBooks offers some amazing solutions for very small businesses. When you move past the business formation stage, though, and you’re ready for a more flexible, agile solution, often companies have to look past QuickBooks to a more functional software option. In fact, it’s this group of users who are driving today’s accounting software market, according to a new study by Software Connect.

The Results

The Software Connect study looked at three thousand different accounting software projects during the course of 2017. The results uncovered the fact that new buyers are the biggest market sector. In fact, 37% of the companies surveyed were new to accounting software purchases. Likewise, more than a third of those ready to upgrade were moving from QuickBooks to something more powerful and robust.

Why Are They Moving?

Wondering why companies are making that move? In most cases, it’s because the companies themselves are ready to move past core accounting options and toward software that means increased functionality and improved usability. Accounting software tends to offer deeper insights, which means better decision making for companies at every level. It is also typically ready to handle the complex accounting needs of businesses that are in a growth cycle, something QuickBooks just isn’t typically ready to do nor is it equipped to handle.

While these companies usually cite many reasons to upgrade, one thing is clear: growing companies clearly need more than a simple solution like QuickBooks. Instead, they need core features that will help support business growth rather than hinder it.

Is your company ready to move beyond QuickBooks? Contact us today for access to some of the best accounting software choices in the industry.

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