9 New DSD Classic Enhancements Released in 2016


The year is now almost over and as we look back upon the year, we begin to reflect on all of the exciting improvements and additions that we’ve made to our Sage 100 Enhancements.  It’s exciting to think back to all of the powerful enhancements to Sage 100 that DSD Business Systems created this year.  Here are nine new products released this year:

  1. ARID Invoice Date as G/L Posting Date – This DSD Enhancement posts G/L Daily Postings from the A/R Invoice Register Update using the A/R Invoice Date. During the A/R Invoice Register Update, the A/R Invoice Date is used for the G/L Daily Posting file Posting Date rather than the Accounts Payable Posting Date. One balanced G/L Posting for each unique Invoice Date is posted from the data entry batch.
  1. ARIP Simplified Item Pricing – This DSD Enhancement adds a new Simplified Item Pricing Screen to A/R Customer Maintenance. This new Maintenance/Inquiry screen will allow the user to view or maintain all Item Pricing records for that customer in one screen.
  1. BMPD Production Lot/Serial Distribution – Standard Sage 100 allows the entry of a Starting Lot/Serial Number on the Production Entry Header for lot/serialized Bills. This DSD Enhancement adds the ability to assign multiple unique lot/serial numbers on the Product Entry Header.
  2. DSD Cash ManagementCash Management is ideal for Cash Flow analysis, modeling and reporting.  Sage 100 users now have the ability to define how the performance measurements are taken in order to complete payment performance reviews for all customers and vendors, while also developing more precise cash predictions based on actual payment history, rather than payment terms. Create expense and revenue projections by using historic seasonal fluctuations in product lines, products sold and recurring expenses such as utilities. Build cash flow models that may be “exploded” to create projected cash flow analyses on demand.
  1. IMCM Miscellaneous Item Delete Change – This product enhances the Delete and Change Items Utility for Sage 100 to allow Delete, Renumber, and Merge of Miscellaneous Item Numbers.
  1. MBIM Multi-Bin Management – The Multi-Bin Management Module provides advanced features for warehouse inventory management in Sage 100, and is designed to work exclusively with the ScanForce Warehouse Management Solution. Features include:
  • Enable Multi-Bin inventory by Warehouse Code, Product Line, or Item Code
  • Perform auto-allocations during data entry and picking sheet printing. Set auto-allocation options based on the data entry type
  • Set customer- or item-specific restrictions based on Bin Location
  • Perform Quick Bin Location transfers
  • Easily setup multi-bin inventory with initial bin transfer
  • Maintain a structure and segments for bin locations
  • Choose to sort bin locations alphabetically or based on an alternate sort method Maintain Lot/Serial Expiration Dates
  • Define various location types for bin locations
  • Set minimum and maximum location quantities for bins
  • Dual View – View on Hand and Allocations by both Item and by Bin
  1. POLC Advanced Landed Cost – Advanced Landed Cost allows the ability to set Landed Cost Amounts or Percentages by Item Code. Receipt of Goods Entry has been enhanced to allow change of line item Landed Cost amounts.
  1. SOHP Sales Order History Printing – This solution to the Sales Order module allows for Sales Order forms to be printed from the Sales Order/Quote History Inquiry screen.
  1. SOSC Ship-To Split Commissions – Standard Sage 100 allows for Salesperson Split Commissions to be maintained by customer. This DSD Enhancement adds the ability to also maintain Salesperson Split Commissions by Customer Ship-To Address.

DSD Business Systems has been a Sage Development Partner for over 25 years.  We look forward to releasing even more Sage 100 Enhancements in 2017 and the years to come.  You can also view all of our Extended Solutions and Sage 100 Enhancements on the DSD Business Systems website.


Written by Jon Reiter,
Development Division President at DSD Business Systems


Enhancements Sage 100
AccountingCloud ERPFinancial ManagementInventory Management

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