Sage Summit 2015 – Save the Date!

SAGE 2015

Registration is now open for Sage Summit 2015.  This year, Sage Summit 2015 is being held July 27th-30th at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center in New Orleans, Louisiana.  For those who have not attended a previous Sage Summit event, some may ask ‘What is Sage Summit’?  Sage Summit is an annual event hosted by Sage.  Sage supports small and medium sized companies, by offering a variety of business management and accounting software.  The upcoming Sage Summit 2015 looks to help businesses improve and grow.  Sage looks to achieve this task by hosting sessions that focus on general business issues, providing hands-on labs and bringing in some top notch keynote speakers.

Sage Summit 2015 features inspirational speakers who can talk about how they look to innovated and revolutionize the industries and fields they created.  Keynote speakers in the lineup for Sage Summit 2015 include Tony Hawk, Entrepreneur and professional skateboarder, and Chad Hurley, Cofounder of YouTube and AVOS.  Other top speakers at the event include Jane Seymour (award-winning actress), Matthew Weiner (creator of Mad Men), William A. McDonough (CEO of McDonough Innovation), Bre Pettis (chief innovation officer, Bold Machines), Baroness Karren Brady government small business ambassador, CEO, Business Woman of the Year, BBC The Apprentice) and Brandi Temple (founder and CEO of Lolly Wolly Doodle).

Sage has also just announced that the rock band Walk The Moon will perform their popular song “Shut Up and Dance” at the final day of the event.  Sage recommends that people continue to check the Sage Summit 2015 website, as they may announce further speakers before the July event.  Be sure to check back for session schedules as well, since Sage will be looking to finalize individual sessions closer to the event.  Additional agenda details can be found on the event website.

During Sage Summit 2015, Monday, July 27th – Thursday, July 30th, Sage will fill each day with insightful lectures and sessions, along with providing food and training opportunities.  In addition to having the chance to listen to top notch business speakers, Sage Summit also provides attendees with the ability to earn up to 18 hours of continuing professional education (CPE) and continuing education unit (CEU) credits.

If you’re interested in attending Sage Summit 2015, attendees can save up to $200 on registration, if they look to register before June 30th, 2015.  By using the code “JAZZED15”, registrants will pay a discounted rate of $599.  To register for this event, please visit  If you are not a current Sage software customer, then you can receive a discounted rate of $99 for the full event.  In order to take advantage of the discounted $99 rate, please email  With the amazing value that Sage is providing at Sage Summit 2015, this is an event you can’t afford to miss!


Written by DSD Business Systems

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