The Top 3 Things to Consider Before Choosing an ERP Reseller

Part of my job as a front line sales person is to answer questions regarding DSD Business Systems.  I take multiple calls a week from potential customers “interviewing” DSD Business Systems and evaluating us for software and consulting services.  In response to these customer inquiries, I’ve compiled the top three things a customer should ask themselves before hiring an ERP Reseller, Partner or VAR.

Here’s the Top 3 things to consider:

  1. Experience This question rarely comes up when I receive a call from a potential customer.  I recommend asking how many successful installs a company has and how many active customers they are currently supporting.  Successful experience is the key.  NFL teams have a lot of players experienced in playing football, pee wee, high school and college and then the pros, but not all teams are successful.  Make sure you’re working with an experienced winning team.  dsd erp reputation The dictionary describes experience as knowledge or practical wisdom gained from what one has observed or encountered.  Work with a partner that has gained the wisdom from many successful installs and will use that knowledge toward your project.
  2. Reputation This is a tough one since it is mostly subjective.  Don’t believe everything you read online.  Vendors will crucify other vendors; these “attack ads” are pretty effective to the uninformed shopper.  In addition to looking online, I would ask to speak with references.  When you interview references, make sure you ask them these three critical questions: 1) Ask the reference if the project stayed within the agreed timeframe 2) Ask the reference if the project stayed on budget  3) How was the service after the sell and “go live” date?
  3. Longevity How long has the partner been in business?  ERP vendors have seen the ebb and flows in the ERP marketplace.  The economy has exposed companies who didn’t have a long term strategy.  As things have tightened up, many resellers have struggled, or have gone out of business.  The partners who are not only surviving, but thriving in our current economic environment should be looked at first.  These partners have great staff and processes that have stood the test of time.

These 3 criteria will give you a good place to start your ERP vendor selection process.  Don’t rush into who you choose, your business is too important to make a hasty decision. I’m sure if you do your homework, you will find the right partner.

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Written by Eddie Diaz, Director of Business Development for DSD Business Systems.

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