Extended Solutions Catalog – Part 2

Blog by Doug Deane

Extended Solutions Catalog – Part 2

Sage has selected DSD Business Systems as a Preferred Developer for Extended Solutions, and you can count on DSD to be your provider of these Extended Solutions.  As I mentioned in my previous blog, DSD will be releasing a full catalog of prices for MAS90 version 4.4-compatible Extended Solutions titles in time for Insights in May.  I’ve described below exactly what our approach will be in tackling this huge undertaking.

DSD Multi-Company and Cash Basis 4.40

We have reviewed the Extended Solution versions of these products for any functionality that is missing in the DSD version, and we have already added that missing functionality (if any).  We will provide the 4.40 DSD version of these products to users that currently have the Extended Solution version, all for the price of a maintenance plan.  They will be released by May 1 or earlier:

  • The DSD G/L Multi-Company product (GLMU) will replace ES’s GL-1034, GL-1057, GL-1058, and GL-1059.
  • The DSD A/P Multi-Company product (APMU) will replace ES’s AP-1027.
  • The DSD G/L Daily Transaction Register by Company (GLCD) will replace ES’s GL-1026.
  • The DSD G/L Account Copy by Company (GLAC) will replace ES’s GL-1054.
  • The DSD A/P Cash Basis (APCB) will replace ES’s AP-1006 and PO-1037.
  • The DSD A/R Cash Basis (ARCB) will replace ES’s AR-1034.

Again, we are providing 4.40 versions of these DSD enhancements to those existing users who have these Extended Solutions, and they will only have to purchase the first year’s maintenance plan, with no additional cost.

Remaining DSD Extended Solutions Titles

DSD has spent many hours of research in the past months developing our release strategy for the version 4.40 Extended Solutions titles. We have updated our website with one web page for each DSD Extended Solution title. By the time Insights rolls around, we will have pricing established for each of these solutions, which will be made available on our website. There will be three prices for each product: (1) Purchase Price, (2) Maintenance Plan Fee, and (3) 4.40 Jump Fee.

ES titles fall into one of the four following categories:

Quick Releases: These ES titles will be upgraded to version 4.40 first.  We will make these products available to users that own prior versions of the enhancement for the price of a Maintenance Plan, and there will be no additional fee to upgrade to version 4.40.

DSD Replacements: These ES titles will be replaced by DSD’s version of the product (as mentioned above) and upgraded to version 4.40 right away.  We will make these products available to users that own prior versions of the Extended Solution for the price of a Maintenance Plan, and there will be no additional fee to upgrade to version 4.40.

4.40 Jump Fee Titles: These ES titles will require some redevelopment effort to upgrade to the Business Framework for version 4.40.  We will make these products available to users that own prior versions of the Extended Solution for the price of a Maintenance Plan plus a one-time “Jump” fee to receive the 4.40 version of the product.  These Extended Solutions titles will only be upgraded upon request. Because of the substantial amount of time researching the jump fee price, only those titles having 5 or more end-users will have jump fees shown in our ES catalog.  All other titles’ jump fees will be made available in a timely way, on request.

Sage Keepers: These ES titles have been retained by Sage, and they may be purchased directly from Sage at version 4.30.  Sage will be adding these solutions into the standard MAS 90/200 product over the next few years. If an end-user or reseller needs one of these solutions in version 4.40 right away, please contact DSD directly for a price quote.

NOTE: If you need to purchase a prior version of these Extended Solutions, DSD will provide those upon request.

In the coming weeks, DSD will update our website with additional information on these Extended Solutions titles, such as pricing and availability. You should contact DSD’s VP of Development, Jon Reiter, if you have any questions related to our Extended Solutions effort.

DSD will conduct a special session at Insights devoted to our ES efforts, and to one of our products, the MAS90 Multi-Language enhancement.  We will spend a great deal of time explaining to resellers how and when we will be releasing ES titles, and how much we will be charging for them.  We expect that session to “sell out” so reserve your seat as soon as you can.


Doug Deane is President of DSD Business Systems, a national provider of on-demand (cloud) and on-premises ERP and CRM software, specializing in wholesale distribution, manufacturing, warehouse management, inventory, business intelligence and eCommerce software.  DSD offers Sage 100 (formerly MAS 90), Sage 300 (formerly Accpac), Sage 500 (formerly MAS 500), NetSuite, Sage FAS, Sage HRMS (formerly Abra), Sage CRM, Sage SalesLogix, Extended Solutions, and Custom Programming.

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Extended SolutionsMas90 (Sage 100)Sage SoftwareSoftware Programming

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